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Monthly Promotions

Monthly Promotions

Learn more about our monthly promotions below.

Monthly Promotions

Community Animal Hospital offers monthly promotions that address all of your pet’s health care needs. Follow us on Facebook for exclusive discounts and promotions such as discounts on exams, procedures, and more. Take advantage of year-long savings!

January & February

Doggie and kitty breath got you down? Dental Health Awareness Months are upon us; receive 10% off of all dental cleanings. When your pet suffers from periodontal disease it can lead to many significant health problems such as: kidney failure, heart failure, and respiratory issues just to name a few. Promotion includes free tooth brushing every month for 1 year and a free dental goody bag. During the promotion, we offer free toothbrushing for any pet that comes in.

March & April

The weather warms up and the bugs come out! Is your dog being protected against heartworm disease? We recommend annual Heartworm combo testing – this tests for heartworms and 3 tick-borne diseases. Both the Heartworm test and prevention are discounted for these 2 months. Heartworms are contracted from mosquitoes and can be deadly if untreated. Promotion includes cool bandanna and free flea and tick checks for any dog that comes in.

May & June

Feline Health Awareness Months – discounts on feline wellness exams- feline vaccinations- feline spays and neuters and feline viral testing. Does your cat have outdoor access? If so it may be at risk for deadly diseases like Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids. We highly recommend annual testing for these diseases. This promotion includes a free feline nail trim.

July & August

Your pet may have parasites and you might not know it! We recommend Fecal testing your pet for internal parasites annually. Some parasites are zoonotic (can be transmitted between humans and animals). Promotion includes free flea and tick checks for every animal. Testing is quick and easy – bring us some poop today!

September & October

Has your pet reached the golden years? Senior Health Awareness Month – Animals age 7 years to 1 human year. Small breed dogs are considered to be senior at 10 years of age – Large breed dogs at 7 years of age – cats at 10 years of age. Promotion consists of 3 different packages dependent upon the needs of your pet; ranging from bloodwork, radiographs, eye pressure check, blood pressure check, ECG, urinalysis, and a thorough exam. Also includes a free nail trim with every package.

November & December

If your pet were to get lost, what are the odds that it would be returned safely to you? $7 off every Microchip Implant and $5 of every chip implanted is donated to an animal-related charity decided by popular vote on our Facebook page. The AKC CAR chips include lifetime registration and are ISO compatible (Internationally recognized). Promotion includes microchip, microchip implanting, and lifetime registration, plus free scanning of every animal for a microchip.